SCSI: DB-25 Serial Ports: 2 Sound Output: stereo 16 bit. ADB: 1 Ethernet: AAUI Machine Gestalt ID: ?? Minutiae: Upgraded with two SIMMs at a time. Ships with a minimum of 8MB (two 4MB SIMMs) of RAM installed. These SIMMs are located in the first two SIMM Sockets and may not be removed. That leaves six SIMM Sockets which are capable of receiving up to 32MB each for a total of 192MB in the 6 sockets plus 8MB in the first 2 sockets for grand total of 200MB. This computer comes with 4096K ROMs and a 1.44MB SuperDrive. Serial Ports with the phone icon and the printer icon support synchronous modems, with handshaking on both output and input supported. Both Serial Ports can be used with Apple's GeoPort telecom adaptor. Manufactured by: Power Computing Corporation 1-800-769-5917